Sabtu, 23 Maret 2019

AngularJS Essentials Rodrigo Branas eBook Herunterladen YUS

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  • Design and construct reusable, maintainable, and modular web applications with AngularJS

    About This Book

    • Explore and understand the features of AngularJS to construct advanced web applications from scratch

    • Understand how to apply the most important concepts of the framework like directives, expressions, filters, modules, and services

    • Experience high-quality delivery by automating tests and optimizing the distribution of the application using tools like Jasmine and Grunt

    Who This Book Is For

    This book is strongly recommended for those who have a passion for web development and who are looking for a framework that can provide a reusable, maintainable, and modular way to create applications and increase their productivity.

    What You Will Learn

    • Create reusable components with directives

    • Explore filters to manipulate and transform data

    • Discover more about the two-way data binding mechanism

    • Easily validate data from the user's form

    • Create services in order to keep the business logic under control

    • Understand and explore the dependency injection feature

    • Follow the best practices of the framework to organize and modularize your application

    • Automate your project's workflow and learn everything you need to know about unit testing with AngularJS

    In Detail

    This book is a practical guide filled with real-world examples that will help you discover the best practices of the AngularJS framework, covering its most important concepts such as directives, expressions, filters, and modules and guiding you through the steps of building your very own web application.

    You will start by learning how to create reusable components with directives, experiencing an expressive way of developing software. Then we will move on to cover data handling, and you will learn how to use the various features of the AngularJS framework to accomplish any challenge related to presenting, transforming, and validating data on a user's interface.

    After that, we will explore the secrets of the dependency injection mechanism available in AngularJS, bringing reuse and testability to your application by decoupling the layers. The book will also cover the best practices of using the framework and how to automate the test and the project's workflow.

    ebook,Rodrigo Branas,AngularJS Essentials,Packt Publishing,Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Software Development Engineering - Systems Analysis Design,ANF Computers and IT,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / General,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / Quality Assurance Testing,Computer Books General,Computers,Computers - Languages / Programming,Computers / Software Development Engineering / Systems Analysis Design,Computers Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Computers/Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Computing Professional Programming,Education Languages / English Language,Programmiersprachen,Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Tes,Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Software Development Engineering - Systems Analysis Desi,Software Development Engineering - Systems Analysis Design,Web programming,Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Tes,Computers Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Software Development Engineering - Systems Analysis Desi,Computers / Software Development Engineering / Systems Analysis Design,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / Quality Assurance Testing,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / General,Computers/Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Computers - Languages / Programming,Computers,Computer Books General,Computing Professional Programming,Web programming

    AngularJS Essentials Rodrigo Branas eBook Reviews :

    Design and construct reusable, maintainable, and modular web applications with AngularJS

    About This Book

    • Explore and understand the features of AngularJS to construct advanced web applications from scratch

    • Understand how to apply the most important concepts of the framework like directives, expressions, filters, modules, and services

    • Experience high-quality delivery by automating tests and optimizing the distribution of the application using tools like Jasmine and Grunt

    Who This Book Is For

    This book is strongly recommended for those who have a passion for web development and who are looking for a framework that can provide a reusable, maintainable, and modular way to create applications and increase their productivity.

    What You Will Learn

    • Create reusable components with directives

    • Explore filters to manipulate and transform data

    • Discover more about the two-way data binding mechanism

    • Easily validate data from the user's form

    • Create services in order to keep the business logic under control

    • Understand and explore the dependency injection feature

    • Follow the best practices of the framework to organize and modularize your application

    • Automate your project's workflow and learn everything you need to know about unit testing with AngularJS

    In Detail

    This book is a practical guide filled with real-world examples that will help you discover the best practices of the AngularJS framework, covering its most important concepts such as directives, expressions, filters, and modules and guiding you through the steps of building your very own web application.

    You will start by learning how to create reusable components with directives, experiencing an expressive way of developing software. Then we will move on to cover data handling, and you will learn how to use the various features of the AngularJS framework to accomplish any challenge related to presenting, transforming, and validating data on a user's interface.

    After that, we will explore the secrets of the dependency injection mechanism available in AngularJS, bringing reuse and testability to your application by decoupling the layers. The book will also cover the best practices of using the framework and how to automate the test and the project's workflow.

    ebook,Rodrigo Branas,AngularJS Essentials,Packt Publishing,Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Software Development Engineering - Systems Analysis Design,ANF Computers and IT,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / General,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / Quality Assurance Testing,Computer Books General,Computers,Computers - Languages / Programming,Computers / Software Development Engineering / Systems Analysis Design,Computers Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Computers/Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Computing Professional Programming,Education Languages / English Language,Programmiersprachen,Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Tes,Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Software Development Engineering - Systems Analysis Desi,Software Development Engineering - Systems Analysis Design,Web programming,Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Tes,Computers Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Software Development Engineering - Systems Analysis Desi,Computers / Software Development Engineering / Systems Analysis Design,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / Quality Assurance Testing,COMPUTERS / Software Development Engineering / General,Computers/Software Development Engineering - Quality Assurance Testing,Computers - Languages / Programming,Computers,Computer Books General,Computing Professional Programming,Web programming

    AngularJS Essentials - edition by Rodrigo Branas. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading AngularJS Essentials.


    Product details

    • File Size 531 KB
    • Print Length 180 pages
    • Publisher Packt Publishing (August 21, 2014)
    • Publication Date August 21, 2014
    • Sold by  Services LLC
    • Language English
    • ASIN B00MXS4ZB2
    "" [Review ]

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